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      2017-12-19 | 責(zé)任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):2962 | 內(nèi)容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布

      Hot Words in November


      The International Olympic Committee on Tuesday banned Russia from the 2018 Winter Olympics set for next February in PyeongChang, South Korea, over doping concerns.



      Samuel Schmid, former Swiss president leading the investigation commission, said an over-17-month IOC investigation has "confirmed the systemic manipulation of the anti-doping rules and system in Russia during the Olympic Winter Games Sochi 2014.



      The IOC decided to suspend the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) with immediate effect, but clean Russian athletes would still be able to compete at the PyeongChang Games in uniforms bearing the name "Olympic Athlete from Russia" under the Olympic Flag, and the Olympic Anthem will be played in any ceremony.



      Vitaly Mutko, Russian then-minister of sport during 2014 Sochi Olympics, and his then-deputy minister Yuri Nagornykh were both excluded from any participation in all future Olympic Games, the IOC announced.



      1. 國事訪問+ state visit plus

      US President Donald Trump's first state visit to China will start on Wednesday. Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai said that Beijing is ready to provide a "state visit plus" experience for Trump.



      應(yīng)國家主席習(xí)近平邀請(at the invitation of President Xi Jinping),美國總統(tǒng)唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)將于118日至10日對中國進行國事訪問(state visit)。屆時,兩國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人將就中美關(guān)系和共同關(guān)心的重大國際與地區(qū)問題深入交換意見(have an in-depth exchange of views on bilateral relations and major international and regional issues of mutual concern)。中方愿與美方共同努力(China stands ready to work with the US side),推動特朗普總統(tǒng)訪華和中美元首會晤取得重要成果(secure important outcomes),為中美關(guān)系發(fā)展注入新的強勁動力(inject fresh and strong impetus into bilateral relations)。


      中國駐美國大使崔天凱1030日在回答中外記者提問時表示,特朗普總統(tǒng)是中共十九大(the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China)之后首位訪華的外國元首。他透露,特朗普總統(tǒng)夫婦今年4月初在美國佛羅里達州海湖莊園熱情接待了習(xí)近平主席夫婦,中方同樣也要做出熱情周到的安排(reciprocates the hospitality)。中方會按照"國事訪問+(state visit plus)"的規(guī)格來接待此訪。"這意味著除了國事訪問的規(guī)定動作(usual protocols),包括檢閱儀仗隊(military honor guard)、正式會談(official talks)、舉辦國宴(state banquet)等之外,還會有一些特殊安排(special arrangements)"


      2. 創(chuàng)意城市網(wǎng)絡(luò) Creative Cities Network

      Four Chinese cities have been selected to join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) on November 1, 2017.


      The four Chinese cities, Changsha (media arts), the Macao Special Administrative Region (gastronomy), Qingdao (film) and Wuhan (design) are among 64 cities from 44 countries and regions which have joined the network.




      聯(lián)合國教科文組織創(chuàng)意城市網(wǎng)絡(luò)(UNESCO Creative Cities Network,UCCN)創(chuàng)立于2004年,匯聚世界各地以創(chuàng)意作為策略因素推動可持續(xù)發(fā)展的城市,促進各城市彼此交流合作(promote cooperation with and among cities that have identified creativity as a strategic factor for sustainable urban development)。創(chuàng)意城市網(wǎng)絡(luò)涵蓋手工藝與民間藝術(shù)(crafts & folk art)、設(shè)計(design)、電影(film)、美食(gastronomy)、文學(xué)(literature)、音樂(music)和媒體藝術(shù)(media arts7個范疇。


      青島是首個加入創(chuàng)意城市網(wǎng)絡(luò)電影之都City of Film)的中國城市。此前,中國已有8個城市加入該網(wǎng)絡(luò),分別為設(shè)計之都(City of Design)深圳、上海、北京,手工藝與民間藝術(shù)之都(City of Crafts & Folk Art)杭州、蘇州、景德鎮(zhèn),美食之都(City of Gastronomy)成都、順德。


      3. 失信黑名單 Blacklist of serious dishonesty

      The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) is now working with other departments to exercise special governance on serious dishonesty in e-commerce ahead of Nov 11, when the e-commerce frenzy kicks off.



      So far, some 6,440 enterprises have been named on a blacklist shared on the national credit information sharing platform, 500 of which have been announced on as the first batch.


      發(fā)改委還組織第三方機構(gòu)對"11"活動期間各主要電商平臺的相關(guān)承諾兌現(xiàn)情況進行數(shù)據(jù)跟蹤與測評分析,委托信用服務(wù)機構(gòu)在產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量(product quality)、產(chǎn)品銷售與服務(wù)(product sales and service)、產(chǎn)品價格(product price)、物流服務(wù)(logistics)等環(huán)節(jié)開展信用監(jiān)測,以完善電子商務(wù)領(lǐng)域信用記錄(to improve credit records of e-commerce)。


      4. 11促銷 Double 11 promotions

      Overly complicated Double 11 promotions have recently aroused complaints among Chinese customers as the annual online shopping spree on Nov 11 approaches.



      "雙十一(Double 11)"又要來了!這個在中國原本屬于單身一族的"光棍節(jié)(Single's Day)",早已變成了全球范圍內(nèi)最盛大的"網(wǎng)購狂歡節(jié)(online shopping spree)"。隨著2017年雙十一的臨近,各電商平臺的促銷(promotion)正如火如荼地展開。但很多顧客抱怨,如今直接打折(direct percent-off discounts)很少見,他們不得不花好幾個小時研究各種不同的促銷方法(promotion methods)——預(yù)售(prelaunch)、減免(money-off)、價保(price protection)等等。


      有網(wǎng)友吐槽道,想要參與雙十一你得是個數(shù)學(xué)天才(math genius)才行。譬如,消費者在購買預(yù)售商品(prelaunch goods)時不能合單以獲得最大折扣(combine their orders to get the maximum discount)。優(yōu)惠券(coupon)被商家設(shè)置了一系列的限制,一些只適用于(be exclusive for)預(yù)售商品,另一些則只適用于特定的產(chǎn)品、型號,甚至顏色。作為鼓勵消費(encourage consumption)的一種方式,商家發(fā)的現(xiàn)金禮物(monetary gift)——紅包(red packets)也被分成了各式各樣的類別,讓消費者困惑不已。


      5. 監(jiān)察委員會 supervisory commissions

      Supervisory commissions will be set up across the country by people's congresses at provincial, city and county-levels within their jurisdictions to supervise those exercising public power.



      監(jiān)察委員會(supervisory commissions)按照管理權(quán)限,對本地區(qū)所有行使公權(quán)力的公職人員依法實施監(jiān)察;履行監(jiān)督(supervision)、調(diào)查(investigation)、處置(punishment)職責(zé),監(jiān)督檢查公職人員依法履職、秉公用權(quán)、廉潔從政以及道德操守情況(execution of duty and ethics),調(diào)查涉嫌貪污賄賂(graft)、濫用職權(quán)(misuse of authority)、玩忽職守(neglect of duty)、權(quán)力尋租(rent-seeking behavior)、利益輸送(tunneling)、徇私舞弊(playing favoritism and committing irregularities)以及浪費國家資財(wasting public funds)等職務(wù)違法和職務(wù)犯罪行為并作出處置決定;對涉嫌職務(wù)犯罪的,移送檢察機關(guān)依法提起公訴(transfer suspected criminal cases to the procuratorates)。


      為履行上述職權(quán),監(jiān)察委員會可以采取談話(interview)、訊問(interrogation)、詢問(questioning)、查詢(inquiry)、凍結(jié)(freezing)、調(diào)取(collecting and obtaining)、查封(sealing)、扣押(seizure)、搜查(search)、勘驗檢查(inspection and examination)、鑒定(identification)、留置(detention)等措施。


      6. 虐童 Child abuse

      China's largest online travel service platform Ctrip said on Wednesday it has reported a child abuse case at its affiliated day-care center in Shanghai and has fired those responsible.

      "There was gross negligence by some teachers at the day-care center, which entrusted to a third party to manage. The company has reported the case to the police and will stand with the parents in holding those responsible accountable," Ctrip said in a statement.


      118日,攜程親子園(day-care center)教師虐待兒童的視頻(videos of child abuse)被上傳至社交媒體,引發(fā)家長和網(wǎng)友的極大憤慨(creating an outcry from parents and netizens)。視頻中,教師給孩子穿衣脫衣時動作粗暴,一些孩子甚至摔倒并撞到桌角(Some children even fell down and bumped their head on the corner of a table)。一些孩子被強迫吞食不明物,一直哭,后來發(fā)現(xiàn)孩子們被喂食的是芥末。


      事發(fā)班級為彩虹班,均為1歲半到2歲的小朋友(children aged from 18 months to 24 months)。攜程計算機(上海)有限公司開辦了僅招收攜程員工子女的親子園,并委托上海《現(xiàn)代家庭》雜志社讀者服務(wù)部(為了孩子學(xué)苑)日常管理運營。事發(fā)后,攜程人力資源管理部門正在代管親子園。

      “We’ll provide physical check-ups and psychological services as needed to children and their families to minimize the negative impact,” read the statement.


      7. 元首外交 head-of-state diplomacy

      President Xi Jinping and visiting US President Donald Trump agreed on maintaining the strategic leading role of head-of-state diplomacy in developing bilateral relations.

      雙方認為,今年以來中美關(guān)系取得重要進展。中美關(guān)系事關(guān)兩國, 人民福祉,也關(guān)乎世界的和平、穩(wěn)定、繁榮(China-US relations concern not only the well-being of both peoples, but also world peace, prosperity and stability)。合作是中美兩國唯一正確選擇(cooperation is the only viable choice for China and the United States),共贏才能通向更好未來。


      8. 綠色包裝 green packaging

      The State Post Bureau(SPB) recently announced specific goals to green the courier sector.

      By 2020, half of external packages should be degradable, 90 percent of waybills electronic, and packing material consumed for each parcel cut by 10 percent, the SPB said in a document.


      9. 東亞經(jīng)濟共同體 East Asian Economic Community

      Premier Li Keqiang advanced building an East Asian Economic Community in order to promote regional integration and common development at the 20th Association of Southeast Asian Nations, China, Japan and Republic of Korea (10+3) leaders' meeting in the Philippines on Tuesday.

      今年是10+3合作(10+3 cooperation)啟動20周年。20年來10+3合作機制不斷完善、合作領(lǐng)域(cooperation field)逐步拓展,成為亞洲地區(qū)最重要的合作機制之一,以及建設(shè)東亞共同體、推進東亞合作的主渠道(the main channel for building an East Asian community and promoting cooperation in East Asia)。


      10. 混合所有制改革 mixed-ownership reform

      China has picked a group of 31 State-owned enterprises for the third round of SOE mixed ownership reform, aiming to bring more private capital into the State sector, officials at the country's top economic planner said on Wednesday.

      《中共中央關(guān)于全面深化改革若干重大問題的決定》指出要積極發(fā)展混合所有制經(jīng)濟(mixed-ownership economy/mixed economy)。國有資本(State-owned capital)、集體資本(collective capital)、非公有資本(non-public capital)等交叉持股、相互融合的混合所有制經(jīng)濟,是基本經(jīng)濟制度的重要實現(xiàn)形式(an important way to materialize the basic economic system),有利于國有資本放大功能、保值增值、提高競爭力(improving the amplification function of State-owned capital, ensuring the appreciation of its value and raising its competitiveness),有利于各種所有制資本取長補短、相互促進、共同發(fā)展。


      11. 國家賬本 State balance sheet

      The State Council recently approved the compiling of balance sheets for both the central and local governments. The central government reportedly may finish its first State balance sheet by the end of this year.


      12. 吉利錢 lucky money

      Leonard Olijar, director of the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing, announced the release of the bureau's lucky money of the Year of the Dog 2018 to celebrate the upcoming Chinese Lunar Year of the Dog on Tuesday.


      13. 社; social security fund

      Ten percent of State-owned equity, including shares of State-owned enterprises and financial institutions, will be transferred to the National Council for Social Security Fund and smaller, local State-owned companies, the State Council, China's Cabinet, announced in a document on Saturday.


      14. 庭前會議 pretrial conference

      A pretrial conference in the high-profile litigation related to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was focused mainly on exchanges of evidence and clarifying appeals and opinions of the parties and ended on Tuesday, a lawyer involved in the litigation said.

      Flight MH370 disappeared from radar on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014. The aircraft was carrying 239 people, including 154 Chinese passengers.

      15. 新興職業(yè) new occupations

      New occupations, such as blogger, jogging buddy and drone trainer, are making employment more flexible in China.

      隨著全球互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的大發(fā)展,各種新興職業(yè)蓬勃興起:私人旅行線路定制師(personal travel designer)、度假房產(chǎn)咨詢師(vacation home consultant)、電競游戲指導(dǎo)(e-game coach)、運動治療師(exercise therapist)、時尚買手(fashion buyer)、共享單車運維員(shared bike maintenance personnel)、網(wǎng)絡(luò)營銷專員(internet marketing specialist),等等。


      16. 產(chǎn)權(quán)保護 property rights protection

      Businesses will enjoy better protection of their operational and property rights, and private businesses will enjoy equal protection for their property rights as companies in the public sector, according to the statement following the State Council executive meeting. Protection of residents' property rights will also be enhanced.


      黨的十九大報告指出,經(jīng)濟體制改革必須以完善產(chǎn)權(quán)制度和要素市場化配置為重點(economic reforms must focus on improving the property rights system and ensuring the market-oriented allocation of factors of production)。

      會議指出,貫徹黨的十九大精神,完善產(chǎn)權(quán)保護制度(improving property rights protection system),依法全面保護各類產(chǎn)權(quán)(comprehensively protect property rights in all areas in accordance with law),是建設(shè)現(xiàn)代化經(jīng)濟體系、健全社會主義市場經(jīng)濟體制的重要內(nèi)容,有利于增強市場主體創(chuàng)業(yè)創(chuàng)新活力和投資意愿,培育壯大新動能,促進擴大開放,推動經(jīng)濟持續(xù)健康發(fā)展。


      17. 維密中國首秀 China debut of Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

      The China debut of Victoria's Secret Fashion Show concluded in Shanghai on Monday. It is the first time the US lingerie brand held its annual show outside the US or Europe. The fashion gala offers the public a feast for eyes and has generated animated discussions on social media platforms.

      從表演嘉賓(guest performer)接連被曝出局,到超模吉吉·哈迪德等簽證被拒(were denied Chinese visas),"維多利亞的秘密(Victoria's Secret)"中國首秀在舉辦之前就已賺足眼球。20日晚,大秀在上海梅賽德斯奔馳中心拉開帷幕。除了超模們帶來的美輪美奐的內(nèi)衣秀,奚夢瑤走秀時摔跤(fall while walking on the runway)、王思聰因遲到站著看秀(have to stand while watching the show because he was late)等話題也在國內(nèi)社交媒體上吸睛無數(shù)(grab huge attention on China's social media)


      18. 責(zé)任督學(xué) educational inspector

      Every kindergarten in Beijing will be staffed with an educational inspector to oversee their operation, local authority said on Sunday night.

      責(zé)任督學(xué)(educational inspector)要對其負責(zé)的幼兒園盡快開展掛牌督導(dǎo),負責(zé)做好對幼兒園監(jiān)管(oversee kindergarten operation)、促進幼兒園規(guī)范辦園行為(better regulate their daily running)等工作。各區(qū)還要指導(dǎo)各級各類幼兒園按照相關(guān)規(guī)定建立健全家園溝通機制(strengthen communication with parents and communities),引導(dǎo)家長和社區(qū)有序參與園所建設(shè)與管理,并指導(dǎo)區(qū)域內(nèi)各幼兒園盡快建立起園所突發(fā)事件應(yīng)急處理機制(establish emergency mechanism)。


      19. 極地旅游 polar tours

      Trips to the polar regions have witnessed explosive growth in China in the past few years.

      極地旅游polar tours/trips to the polar regions),顧名思義,就是前往南極或北極地區(qū)的旅游活動。

      According to International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators, China contributed the second largest number of tourists to the South Pole in 2016, next to the United States. The number of Chinese tourists who visited the South Pole reached 3,944 last year, soaring nearly 40 times from the less than 100 in 2008.


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