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      2017-10-20 | 責任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):5590 | 內(nèi)容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布

      ■ 不忘初心,牢記使命

      remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind

      ■ 不忘初心,方得始終

      never forget why you started, and you can accomplish your mission

      ■ 初心不改、矢志不渝

      never forget the founding mission nor waver in its pursuit

      ■ 登高望遠,居安思危

      aim high and look far, be alert to dangers even in times of calm

      ■ 軍委管總、戰(zhàn)區(qū)主戰(zhàn)、軍種主建

      the Central Military Commission exercising overall leadership, the theater commands responsible for military operations, and the services focusing on developing capacities.

      ■ 政治意識、大局意識、核心意識、看齊意識

      the consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment

      ■ 照鏡子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病

      examine ourselves in the mirror, tidying our attire, taking a bath, and treating our ailments

      ■ 打虎、拍蠅、獵狐

      take out tigers, swat flies and hunt down foxes

      ■ 黨的創(chuàng)造力、凝聚力和戰(zhàn)斗力

      the Party’s ability to innovate, power to unite and energy to fight

      ■ 發(fā)展不平衡、不充分

      unbalanced, inadequate development

      ■ 社會文明水平


      ■ 從站起來、富起來到強起來

      stand up, grow rich and become strong

      ■ 行百里者半九十

      the last leg of a journey just marks the halfway point.

      ■ 絕不是輕輕松松、敲鑼打鼓就能實現(xiàn)的

      there will be no walk in the park and it will take more than drum beating and gong clanging to get there.

      ■ 使命呼喚擔當,使命引領未來

      Our mission is a call to action; our mission steers the course to the future.

      ■ 不忘本來、吸收外來、面向未來

      cherish our cultural roots, draw on other cultures and be forward-thinking

      ■ 綠水青山就是金山銀山

      lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets

      ■ 飯碗牢牢端在自己手中

      have full control over our food supply

      ■ 政治建軍、改革強軍、科技興軍、依法治軍

      enhance the political loyalty of the armed forces, strengthen them through reform and technology, and run them in accordance with law

      ■ 權(quán)責清晰、財力協(xié)調(diào)、區(qū)域均衡的中央和地方財政關(guān)系

      a fiscal relationship between the central and local governments built upon clearly defined powers and responsibilities, appropriate financial resource allocation and greater balance between regions

      ■ 全面規(guī)范透明、標準科學、約束有力的預算制度

      a comprehensive, procedure-based, transparent budget system that uses well-conceived standards and imposes effective constraints

      ■ 不能定于一尊,不能生搬硬套外國政治制度模式

      no one political system should be regarded as the only choice and we should not just mechanically copy the political systems of other countries.

      ■ 以言代法、以權(quán)壓法、逐利違法、徇私枉法

      override the law with his own orders, place his authority above the law, violate the law for personal gain or abuse the law

      ■ 找到最大公約數(shù),畫出最大同心圓

      expand common ground and convergence of interests

      ■ 講品位、講格調(diào)、講責任,抵制低俗、庸俗、媚俗

      encourage the cultivation of fine tastes, style and a sense of responsibility, and reject vulgarity and kitsch in literary and artistic creation

      ■ 既盡力而為,又量力而行,一件事情接著一件事情辦,一年接著一年干

      we will do everything in our capacity and tackle issue by issue, year in and year out

      ■ 調(diào)節(jié)過高收入,取締非法收入

      adjust excessive incomes and prohibit illicit income

      ■ 扶貧同扶志、扶智相結(jié)合

      increase confidence in their own ability to lift themselves out of poverty and see that they can access the education they need to do so

      ■ 思想不純、組織不純、作風不純

      impunity in thinking, organization and conduct

      ■ 宗派主義、圈子文化、碼頭文化

      sectarianism, factionalism and patronage

      ■ 搞兩面派、做兩面人

      double-dealing and duplicity

      ■ 反對個人主義、分散主義、自由主義、本位主義、好人主義

      oppose self-centered behavior, decentralism, behavior in disregard of the rules, a silo mentality, unprincipled nice-guyism

      ■ 容錯糾錯機制

      mechanisms to allow for and address errors

      ■ 嚴管和厚愛結(jié)合

      place equal emphasis on providing incentives and imposing constraints

      ■ 識才的慧眼、愛才的誠意、用才的膽識、容才的雅量、聚才的良方

      value people with talent, be good at identifying talent, have the foresight to employ them, be earnest to keep them, and welcome them into ranks.

      ■ 無禁區(qū)、全覆蓋、零容忍

      there are no no-go zones, no ground is left unturned and no tolerance is shown for corruption

      ■ 留置取代“兩規(guī)”措施

      the practice of "shuanggui," a form of intra-party disciplinary action that requires a Party member under investigation to cooperate with questioning at a designated place and a designated time, will be replaced by detention.

      ■ 革命理想高于天

      Our revolutionary ideals soar beyond the skies

      ■ 歷史只會眷顧堅定者、奮進者、搏擊者,而不會等待猶豫者、懈怠者、畏難者

      History looks kindly on those with resolve, with drive and ambition, and with plenty of guts; it won’t wait for the hesitant, the apathetic or those shy of a challenge.

      ■ 不能因現(xiàn)實復雜而放棄夢想,不能因理想遙遠而放棄追求

      We should not give up on our dreams becuase the reality around us is too complicated; we should not stop pursuing our ideals because they seem out of our reach.

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