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      2018-2-1 | 責(zé)任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):2008 | 內(nèi)容來(lái)源:本站編輯發(fā)布

      The US is stepping up pressure on African states to cut longstanding military and diplomatic ties with North Korea as part of its push to squeeze the funding of Kim Jong Un’s nuclear missile programme.

      美國(guó)正在加大對(duì)非洲國(guó)家的壓力,要求它們切斷與朝鮮的長(zhǎng)期軍事和外交聯(lián)系。這是美國(guó)擠壓金正恩(Kim Jong Un)核導(dǎo)計(jì)劃籌資努力的一部分。
      US officials want African countries to expel North Korean workers and diplomats, alleging that Pyongyang’s 13 embassies on the continent double up as “profit making centres”.
      Washington says Pyongyang, which is seeking to develop nuclear missiles that can hit American cities, is using its military co-operation and arms deals with African states to obtain precious foreign currency. It also accuses some of the several thousand North Koreans believed to be living in Africa, including diplomats, of trafficking wildlife parts, such as rhino horn, another relatively easy source of foreign currency.
      US officials estimate that Pyongyang makes at least $100m through the supply of arms, military training, construction contracts and smuggling.
      Peter Pham, head of the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center in Washington, said that, although it might seem like “chump change”, it was “a fairly significant sum to the regime given the overall squeeze on its finances.” It was roughly 3-5 per cent of Pyongyang’s total annual foreign exchange earnings, he said.
      華盛頓大西洋理事會(huì)(Atlantic Council)非洲中心負(fù)責(zé)人Peter Pham表示,雖然這些錢(qián)看起來(lái)“沒(méi)有多少”,但“鑒于朝鮮金融受到全面制裁,對(duì)其而言數(shù)目還是相當(dāng)可觀的”。他說(shuō),它大約占到朝鮮年度外匯收入總額的3%至5%。

      Last Septembera UN panel of experts identified 11 African countries — AngolaBeninBotswanaDemocratic Republic of CongoEritreaMaliMozambiqueNamibiaTanzaniaUgandaand Zimbabwe — as having suspected military ties to Pyongyang.

      Some African countriesincluding Sudanwhich the US lists as a sponsor of terrorismhaveresponded to Washingtons demands in an effort to curry favour and extract concessionsLastOctoberafter Khartoum committed itself to downgrading North Korea tiesthe US easedsome sanctionsNamibia also initiated steps to cut military ties.

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