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      2017-11-30 | 責(zé)任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):1941 | 內(nèi)容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布

      It's not often that a player will take time out of a game day to go speak, or frankly, do anything besides get ready to play basketball, according to Golden State forward Draymond Green.

      "I think everyone sees you on the basketball court, and they think that you just popped up on the court," Green said. "Game day is an entire day process. From the time you wake up, everything you do should be beneficial to that game."
      But prior to last week's Celtics-Warriors contest, the NBA All-Star broke his pregame routine to participate in a discussion, "Taking a Knee: Athletes & Activism," at the Harvard Kennedy School's Institute of Politics.
      "I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to be speaking at Harvard," he told the overflowing crowd of students. "It's like a dream come true."
      The hour-long conversation with assistant professor of public policy Leah Wright Rigueur touched on Green's philanthropy efforts off the court, as well as his perspective on many of the social issues the country faces today. Known for the largest donation ($3.1 million) from an athlete to his alma mater, Michigan State, Green is on a mission to spark change where he sees fit.
      Here's what we learned about the 27-year-old from his remarks:
      He doesn't think the current racial climate is the worst it's ever been, but rather, the most 'noticeable' it's ever been.
      Green is on the board of the Ross Initiative in Sports and Equality (RISE) — a non-profit organization, founded by Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross, that is dedicated to improving race relations through the unifying elements of sports. Calling Ross "a mentor," Green said they've frequently spoken about the country's current state and what they can do to make a difference.
      "In today's day in age, the climate right now is probably — I wouldn't say it's worse than it's ever been because this country has come a long way — but with social media and all these different tools that we have, it's as noticeable as it's ever been," he said.
      Understanding the platform and voice that professional sports gives athletes, Green is an active member of RISE and "trying to do all the things" that he can to help. But he understands that these efforts are not a one-man show. And changes aren't going to happen overnight.
      "At the end of the day, none of us can change it," he said. "I think it's important to understand that. I can't change it, you can't change it, someone else can't change it. But together, we can make strides into changing it. If we all just do our part, then we'll help inspire smart change."
      He thinks athletes have a responsibility to engage only when they are passionate about the matter at hand.
      Although Green sees value in the platform leagues provide their athletes, he doesn't think they are obligated to utilize it if their efforts aren't self-inspired or authentic.
      "I think so many times people say, 'Oh, you have this platform,' and then they want you to do what they think you should do," he said. "But if you don't believe in it, if it doesn't hit you, then it's not your responsibility."
      Instead, Green preached that athletes should only engage when "it's genuinely what (they) want to do," for that will make their endeavors more worthwhile and impactful. The two-time NBA champion analogized the situation to going to class.
      "If you go to class because you want to be there, you're paying much more attention, you're taking notes, you're just much more involved than if someone made you do it. I think it's the same thing when we talk about the responsibility for athletes," he said. "If someone said, 'Hey Draymond, you need to go talk about race.' It's like, 'I don't care about race, what am I going to go talk about it for?' It won't be as heartfelt. If it's not as heartfelt, you don't touch as many people as you possibly could."
      For Green, however, race relations is most definitely something a subject he cares about and wants to be involved with.
      "I want to speak out about race, I want to speak out about social injustice, I want to speak out about all those different things, and I'm telling you that because it's coming from my heart. It's touching me," he said.
      “我想要為種族問題發(fā)聲,我想要為社會正義 發(fā)聲,我想要為所有這些不同的事情發(fā)聲,我和你講是因為它發(fā)自我的內(nèi)心。它感動到我,”他說。
      He credits his general manager, Bob Myers, for helping shape Golden State's culture.
      According to Green, walking into the Warriors locker room is a unique experience.
      "It all starts with our general manager, Bob, bringing in the type of people he's brought in," Green said. "He went out and got a coach, (Steve Kerr,) who has a pulse and is not afraid to say what he's thinking. We all have pulses, but I just mean he's not afraid to speak out on things that touch him. And that's the way this team is built."
      Calling his teammates "all thoughtful guys," Green said that they are a group of people who try to educate themselves in different areas; thus, conversations will frequently turn to politics, tech, real estate, and other topics outside of basketball. While he understands the sport is their job, he also wants others to know that it doesn't define who they are as people.
      "We're much broader than that. Like I said, we educate ourselves on different topics and if we feel a certain way about certain topics, then we'll use our platform to speak out on those topics," he said. "That's pretty much all that it is. Educating ourselves and using that platform to help educate others."
      Green recounted a few experiences with the team off the court that have continued to stick with him. While some are recurring traditions, others are as recent as a couple of weeks ago.

      Annual trip to the San Quentin State PrisonEvery yearthe Warriors organization visits a localCalifornia prisonWhile some of the front officecoaching staffand players take the court withthe inmatesGreen said he prefers to play dominoes while he's there.

      "I love playing dominoesso I sit down and play the entire day," he explained.
      But the board games aren't what keep him coming back.
      "The reason I wanted to go is I think in life we're all just one mistake from being that guy," Green explained. "It's a balance of being thankful for the role of not being that guy and alsowanting to go in there and let them know'HeyI'm no better than you areMaybe you madeone mistake that I didn't make that landed you hereMaybe I made some mistake and didn't getcaughtMaybe someone's wrongfully theremaybe he shouldn't be there.'"
      "I don't know what their situation isbut just letting them know that you're here and I'm herewith youI'm no better than you," he continued.
      Youth event at their practice facilityAt a recent event at the Warriors practice facilitythe teamwelcomed teenagers from the area along with some police officersFollowing a panel discussionthey broke up into smaller groupswith one or two police officers in every group.
      "It was interesting to hear a 15-year-old's perspective on what he thought of the police," Green said. "It was interesting for me because I remember being that 15-year-old who thoughtthe same exact thing."
      Green said he felt the conversations illustrated the important of "doing things like that to tryand bridge the gap," which is a double-sided struggleAs he puts itthere needs to be an effort "to help law enforcement officers understand where (people arecoming from as citizens," aswell as an effort from citizens "to understand where they're coming from as law enforcementofficers."
      He thinks that the NBA should consider eliminating the word, "owner."
      While Green has a close relationship with his team ownersJoseph Lacob and Peter Guberhe isnot a fan of the word that is used to denote their title.
      "When you look at the word'owner,' it really dates back to slavery," he said. "We just tookthose words and continued to put them to use."
      "Right and wrong in life usually dates back to God knows when because that was the thoughtthen and we've just stuck with that," Green continued. "It's just a cycleit's an ongoing cycleThat's where our knowledge comes fromand that's where most of our ethics and morals andvalues come frombut very rarely do we take the time to re-think something and say'Huhmaybe that's not the way.' Just because someone was taught that 100 years ago doesn't makethat the right thing today."
      Green emphasized that he understands what it means to own equity and a businessbut hewants to others to understand the social implications of the wordtoo.
      "When you say'Here's my owner,' like think about thatDo they really own you as a person?" he said. "If someone says Golden State Warriors and you think Steph Curryand I say'OhyeahI'm the owner,' then do you own Steph? … When we look at businessesnobody eversaid Steve Jobs was the owner of AppleSteve Jobs was the CEO … When we get to sportsit's'Heythere's the owner.' Why is that?"
      When Green previously voiced his opinions on the matterhe received heavy backlash fromDallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban for his remarksBut the forward insists his comments werenot meant to be disrespectfulbut rather to start a conversation that he feels needs to behad.
      "Mark Cuban will never knowor understandhow it feels for mea young black African-Americanto turn on the TV and see what happened in CharlottesvilleHe'll never have thatfeeling," Green said. "So when I say'Heymaybe we shouldn't use that word,' to be honestIreally don't expect him to understand where I'm coming from because he'll never feel what Ifeel."
      "He may try to understand itbut he'll never understand quite to the degree that I do," hecontinued. "It's not trying to take a shot at the owners of these entitiesbut more so to helpspark change … You can't say I'm dead wrong because you really don't know how I feel to turnon that TV and see a young black man shot by a police officer."
      He thinks it's funny when people say'Stick to sports.'
      When asked by a student how he would respond to critics that say he should "stick tosports," Green let out a laugh.
      "That's funny," he said. "People say'Oh athletes shouldn't speak politics.' WellI find thatfunny because everyone thinks they can speak basketball."
      "We spend our entire lives working on our craft and then someone will come on Twitter saying'Draymondyou suck,'Green continued. "It's like'OKyou shot that shot thousands of timesand you know what I should be doing." Everyone feels like they can talk sportsbut then whenit comes to politicseveryone feels like athletes shouldn't talk."
      Green expressed that he feels it's their right "as Americansto speak out on whatever issuesthey want to speak out onWhile their platform may generate more exposure and moreattention surrounding their commentshe feels that athletes speaking out on politics is "nodifferent than any other American saying'Oh manwhy did such-and-such have six turnoverslast night?'"
      "As an Americanwe're all affected by politicsone way or another," Green said. "I don't see aproblem with athletes speaking out on politics."
      If one were to engage in such conversationshoweverthe two-time NBA championencourages seeking out the insights from those who understand politics well.
      "Even if I had a tremendous feel for politicsthere's someone who knows more than me," hesaid. "So why not consult with that person and see what their thoughts areThey may changeyour view a little bit or they may make your view a little bit stronger than it was before."

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