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      特朗普的貿(mào)易威脅為何啞火 英語翻譯

      2017-9-18 | 責(zé)任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):1440 | 內(nèi)容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布

      A theme that emerged in Washington this summer was Donald Trump’s growing frustration with his stalled trade agenda. And with good reason.

      華盛頓今夏的一個話題是唐納德?特朗普(Donald Trump)對自己陷入停滯的貿(mào)易議程日益強烈的挫敗感。而且他有充足的理由感到挫敗。
      One of the president’s biggest economic campaign promises was a new, muscular approach to trade featuring hefty tariffs on China and other rivals as well as a wholesale ripping-up of US trade agreements. Things could still change. Yet, nine months in, it is fair to say Mr Trump is looking increasingly like a bully without a playground in which to exercise his muscle.
      He may bark to aides gathered in the Oval Office that he wants tariffs, and threaten on Twitter to pull out of trade agreements. But the ranks of people in his administration eager or willing to carry out those threats are dwindling. Altogether, the threats themselves are looking increasingly hollow. There are three big reasons for that.
      1. Trump doesn’t control the system
      1. 特朗普并不控制整個體系
      The US presidency comes with a lot of power attached. But the reality is also that its influence over trade is limited, both by the US constitution and existing laws. Mr Trump may want to impose tariffs unilaterally, yet he has very little power to do so on a whim. The US constitution gives the power to regulate trade and impose tariffs to Congress. And even those statutes that give the president the most latitude to act require a process and justification at the very least.
      Just look at what has happened with the president’s stalled plans to impose tariffs on steel imports on the grounds of US national security. Administration officials insist they are still working on a plan. But what is holding up the steel project — which involved using a 1974 trade law that on the face of it gives the president great powers — is in part the laborious study involved and the inter-agency consultations required.
      Then there is Congress. The Republicans who control the legislature are by and large more pro-trade than the president. They are also more adept at using their power over the system.
      Moreover, the steel exercise illustrates two other parts of the system that Mr Trump doesn’t control: US business and economic reality. After a shy start, everyone bar the steel sector in the US business community has grown increasingly vocal about its distaste for anything that raises the price of steel. They have also been building a compelling case for how it would hurt the US economy.
      2. The US doesn’t wield the power Trump thinks it does on trade
      2. 在貿(mào)易方面,美國并不擁有像特朗普認為的那么大的權(quán)勢
      The best example of this is the (again) stalled debate within the administration over pulling the US out of a South Korea-US trade agreement (Korus) that came into force in 2012. Jonathan Swan of Axios did a nice job at the weekend of detailing the conversation within the administration in recent weeks and how (as was the case with Nafta in April) the president got very close to issuing a formal notice of withdrawal.
      這方面最恰當(dāng)?shù)睦邮翘乩势照畠?nèi)部已經(jīng)停止的關(guān)于讓美國退出2012年生效的《韓美自由貿(mào)易協(xié)定》(KORUS FTA)的爭論。Axios的喬納森?斯旺(Jonathan Swan)上周末做得很好,他詳細披露了最近幾周政府內(nèi)部的有關(guān)對話,以及特朗普多么接近于發(fā)布一份退出協(xié)定的正式通知——正如今年4月退出《北美自由貿(mào)易協(xié)定》(NAFTA)那樣。
      The idea has since stalled, thanks to North Korea’s recent nuclear test and the acceptance (for now) by the president that withdrawing from a trade agreement with South Korea in its wake does not make geopolitical sense.
      But the example also illustrates how the US has been misplaying its cards.
      During a special meeting convened during the summer to discuss Mr Trump’s concerns over Korus and the US trade deficit with South Korea, Robert Lighthizer, the US trade representative, issued a list of unilateral concessions that he wanted to see Seoul make. Those, according to people briefed on the discussions, included accelerating the Korus schedule for South Korea’s gradual removal of certain tariffs on US goods and a freeze on the same applying to Korean imports into the US.
      在今夏召開的一次討論特朗普對韓美自貿(mào)協(xié)定的擔(dān)憂及美國對韓貿(mào)易逆差的特別會議上,美國貿(mào)易代表羅伯特?萊特希澤(Robert Lighthizer)拿出了一份他希望看到首爾做出的單方面讓步的清單。據(jù)了解此次討論的人士透露,其中包括讓韓國加快逐步取消對美國商品的某些關(guān)稅,但對韓國出口美國的商品不實施這樣的政策。
      Mr Lighthizer was in effect using the same threat-laced playbook that he employed in the 1980s while negotiating “voluntary export restraints” with Japan as a senior trade official in the Reagan administration. But the answer this time from South Korea’s trade minister, Kim Hyun-chong, was a resounding “no thanks”.
      萊特希澤實際上重施了在上世紀(jì)80年代使用過的威脅策略,當(dāng)時他作為里根(Reagan)政府的一名高級貿(mào)易官員與日本談判“自愿出口限制”。但這一次,韓國貿(mào)易部長金鉉宗(Kim Hyun-chong)作出了鏗鏘有力的回答:“不,謝謝”。
      The response by Mr Kim, who led the Korean team that negotiated the original deal, was very well calculated. He was aware of one blunt reality: the unwinding of Korus would lead to much higher tariffs on US imports into South Korea than vice versa.
      But there was another. Simply, the US in the Trump era does not speak with a unified voice on trade. Congress, the US Chamber of Commerce, myriad agricultural groups and the nation’s chief executives have all come out against the Trump plan to withdraw from Korus during the past week. And that illustrates Washington’s diminishing power at the negotiating table.
      但還有另一個原因。簡言之,特朗普時代,美國在貿(mào)易問題上并沒有統(tǒng)一的聲音。近日,美國國會、美國商會(US Chamber of Commerce)、大量的農(nóng)業(yè)組織以及美國的首席執(zhí)行官們都站出來反對特朗普退出韓美自貿(mào)協(xié)定的計劃。這也說明華盛頓在談判桌上的影響力會日益減弱。
      3. Business is no longer afraid of Trump
      3. 商界不再懼怕特朗普
      The defining debate so far on trade within the Trump administration has been between the “economic nationalists” and the globalists. However, with one high-profile exception (Mr Trump’s withdrawal on day three of his presidency from the Trans-Pacific Partnership), the globalists have been winning the war.

      That is a reflection of the work and importance within the administration of globalists such asGary Cohnhead of the National Economic Counciland his teamIt alsohoweverillustrateshow companies are no longer afraid of Mr Trumps use of the social-media bully pulpit and howhis hyperbole is backfiring.

      這反映了全球主義者——如國家經(jīng)濟委員會(National Economic Council)主席加里?科恩(Gary Cohn)等及其團隊——在政府內(nèi)部的工作和重要性。然而,這也說明了企業(yè)界不再懼怕特朗普利用社交媒體形式的“天字第一號講壇”、以及他的夸張言辭會產(chǎn)生什么反作用。
      Companies have learnt quickly how to combat the presidents worst ideas on trade anddiscovered they have plenty of allies in both his White House and his cabinetMany also dontbelieve his threats any moreFor a president whose threats are his biggest currency that is onlylikely to lead to more frustration.

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