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      中國醞釀淘汰汽油和柴油發(fā)動機汽車 英語翻譯

      2017-9-15 | 責(zé)任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):2192 | 內(nèi)容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布

      A growing movement to eventually ban combustion engine cars has received a boost with a statement from China — the world’s largest car market — that it is studying such a move.

      Comments by a senior government official published on Sunday signalled that China might soon join the UK and France. Both countries recently announced they would prohibit the production of diesel and petrol cars by 2040.
      “Some countries have made a timeline for when to stop the production and sales of traditional fuel cars,” said industry vice-minister Xin Guobin in an article published by Xinhua, China’s official news agency.
      “The ministry has also started relevant research and will make such a timeline with relevant departments. Those measures will certainly bring profound changes for our car industry’s development,” he said, predicting “turbulent” times ahead for the auto industry.
      Were China to adopt such a policy and provide a deadline, it would lend new force to efforts to end the reign of the internal combustion engine.
      China has the world’s largest automobile manufacturing base — producing 28m vehicles overall in 2016, according to the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers. The figure includes commercial vehicles as well as cars and represents nearly 30 per cent of the world total of 94m last year.
      Beijing is concerned about rising urban pollution, climate change and China’s dependence on imported foreign oil supplies, and has been encouraging the nascent new energy vehicle (NEV) industry with measures such as subsidies and easier access to car registration for NEV buyers.
      The government also sees the advent of electric vehicles as a way to leapfrog global carmakers and secure a larger chunk of the car business for Chinese carmakers, which have never been particularly strong at making combustion engines. With 507,000 NEVs sold domestically in 2016, China leads the world as an electric vehicle market.

      NEVs were recently identified as a priority by the Chinese industrial policy known as Made inChina 2025, and the sector is one of 10 high-tech industries in which China wants to createnational champions that will be globally competitive.

      新能源汽車最近被列為中國產(chǎn)業(yè)政策《中國制造2025》(Made in China 2025)的一個重點,該行業(yè)是中國想要締造具有全球競爭力的國家冠軍企業(yè)的十大高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)之一。
      China surpassed the US in 2009 to become the worlds biggest car market and has set theambitious goal of reaching 7m annual NEV sales by 2025. Buoyed by generous subsidies andmeteoric salesmore than 200 companies have announced their intention to make and sellNEVs in China.
      Chinas government is also setting up a policy of carbon trading that will encourage NEVproductionto be implemented as early as next yearThis will require all carmakers to producea quota of NEVs or buy carbon credits to compensateDraft rulespart of an effort to jump-start the local production of electric vehicleshave been circulating but have yet to become law.
      Late last monthReuters reported that China was likely to delay implementing these productionquotas for electric vehiclesgiving global automakers more time to prepare.

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