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      墨西哥發(fā)生該國百年來最強烈地震 中英雙語翻譯

      2017-9-12 | 責任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):2095 | 內(nèi)容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布

      Mexico has been hit by its biggest earthquake in nearly a century, triggering tsunami warnings across much of Central America’s western coast.

      The size of the quake off its south-west coast near its border with Guatemala varied in initial estimates but President Enrique Pe?a Nieto said it had a magnitude of 8.2.
      地震發(fā)生在墨西哥西南海岸外靠近墨西哥-危地馬拉邊界的地方。各種初步估計給出的震級各不相同,但墨西哥總統(tǒng)恩里克?培尼亞?涅托(Enrique Pe?a Nieto)表示震級為8.2級。
      The quake was felt powerfully in Mexico City, where the golden Angel of Independence — one of the city’s most emblematic landmarks — swayed precariously along with lampposts.
      墨西哥城震感強烈,該城最具象征意義的地標之一、金色的“獨立天使”像(Angel of Independence)和路燈柱一起劇烈晃動。
      The warning of a potential tsunami threat was issued by the US Tsunami Warning System and covers Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Costa Rica.
      美國的海嘯預警系統(tǒng)(Tsunami Warning System)發(fā)布了關(guān)于潛在海嘯威脅的預警,預警涵蓋厄瓜多爾、尼加拉瓜、巴拿馬、危地馬拉、洪都拉斯、厄瓜多爾和哥斯達黎加。

      Mr Pe?a Nieto said that the quake had been “intenseprolonged and very strong”, and noted42 aftershocks had been registered and more were likely.

      This is the strongest earthquake we have registered in at least the last 100 years,” thepresident said in an message from the National Disasater Prevention CentreHe confirmed fivepeople had been reported dead but said it was too early to quantify damage.
      “這是我們記錄的至少百年來的最強烈地震,”這位總統(tǒng)在墨西哥國家防災(zāi)中心(National DisasaterPrevention Centre)發(fā)表講話稱。他證實據(jù)報已有5人遇難,但他表示現(xiàn)在量化損失還為時太早。

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