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      2017-9-4 | 責(zé)任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):1411 | 內(nèi)容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布

      Angela Merkel said she backed proposals for a eurozone budget and a Brussels-based finance minister, in a ringing endorsement of Emmanuel Macron’s vision for far-reaching reform of the single currency area.

      德國總理安格拉?默克爾(Angela Merkel)表示,她支持有關(guān)制定歐元區(qū)共同預(yù)算和設(shè)立歐元區(qū)財(cái)政部長職位的提議。她的表態(tài),有力地支持了法國總統(tǒng)埃曼紐爾?馬克龍(Emmanuel Macron)提出的對這個(gè)單一貨幣區(qū)進(jìn)行具有深遠(yuǎn)意義的改革的構(gòu)想。
      Her comments were the clearest indication yet that she plans to make overhauling the eurozone a key priority if she wins next month’s Bundestag elections and a central plank of her political legacy.
      But experts stress that French and German perceptions of eurozone integration still widely diverge, and Ms Merkel herself said there was still no clarity about what a eurozone finance minister would actually do.
      The chancellor made the comments at her annual summer press conference in Berlin, where she spoke for more than an hour-and-a-half on subjects ranging from Europe’s refugee crisis to relations with Turkey to the diesel scandal.
      With less than a month till the elections, Ms Merkel has been under pressure to provide more detail about her plans for the eurozone. Her Social Democrat challenger Martin Schulz has been much more explicit in his support for Mr Macron’s reform ideas and accused the chancellor of lacking a vision for the future of Europe.
      現(xiàn)在距離德國聯(lián)邦議院選舉還有不到一個(gè)月的時(shí)間,默克爾面臨著提出更詳盡的歐元區(qū)計(jì)劃的壓力。她的挑戰(zhàn)者、來自社會民主黨(Social Democrat)的馬丁?舒爾茨(Martin Schulz)更明確地表態(tài)支持馬克龍的改革想法,并指責(zé)默克爾對歐洲的未來缺乏構(gòu)想。
      Mr Macron has stepped up calls long made by an Italian-led group of southern eurozone countries for a common budget, one that finances investment to stimulate growth and has a stabilising effect during economic crises. He has suggested that financing this with fresh debt should be an option. He also envisages the creation of a eurozone parliament to pass a euro-budget.
      On Tuesday, Mr Macron reiterated that he would push for more social and fiscal “convergence” in the currency union. France, he told ambassadors in Paris, will outline a “dozen” proposals in the weeks following the German election to reform the eurozone.
      He added that Brexit was an opportunity for an “avant-garde” of countries who want to “move forward” to do so “without being hampered by member states who wish, that’s their right, to move more slowly or less far”.
      Ms Merkel’s proposal on the eurozone budget is less ambitious than Mr Macron’s — a kind of fund to reward countries carrying out structural reforms. She said she envisaged a budget made up of “small contributions” rather than “hundreds of billions of euros”. It would disburse funds to countries that are reforming their economies “but which the Stability and Growth Pact doesn’t allow much room for manoeuvre”.
      But even such a modest idea could be risky for Ms Merkel. German voters tend to suspect that any reform of the euro area is an attempt to get at their hard-earned cash. Germans fear the eurozone could transform into a transfer union, where member countries can issue common debt.
      Ms Merkel has already ruled out any mutualisation of debt. But at the same time, she is making clear that she still wants to leave her mark on the euro area. “Her next term will probably be her last, so ensuring that the eurozone is on a stable footing would be important for her legacy,” said Mujtaba Rahman of Eurasia Group.
      默克爾已經(jīng)排除了任何債務(wù)分擔(dān)的可能性,但同時(shí)她明確表示,仍希望在歐元區(qū)留下自己的印記。歐亞集團(tuán)(Eurasia Group)的穆杰塔巴?拉赫曼(Mujtaba Rahman)表示:“她的下一任期可能是最后一任任期,因此確保歐元區(qū)根基穩(wěn)固將對其政治遺產(chǎn)非常重要!

      He said Germany also felt it had to do as much as possible to help Mr Macron succeed andensure that he was not replaced at the next presidential election by Marine Le Pen of theNational Front. “There is a recognition in Berlin that Macrons and the EUs success areintertwined,” he said.

      拉赫曼表示,德國也認(rèn)為必須盡力幫助馬克龍取得成功,并確保他不會在下次總統(tǒng)大選中被法國國民陣線(National Front)的馬琳?勒龐(Marine Le Pen)擊敗。他說:“柏林認(rèn)識到,馬克龍的成功和歐盟的成功密切相關(guān)!
      In addition to her comments on the euro-budgetMs Merkel also said she supported the ideaof a eurozone “economics and finance minister” who would help to provide “greater” coherencein economic policy across the single currency area and ensure that “competitive factors areharmonised”.
      She also backed her finance minister Wolfgang Sch?ubles proposal to turn the EuropeanStability Mechanismthe eurozones bailout fundinto a European Monetary Fund.
      她還支持其財(cái)政部長沃爾夫?qū)?朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Sch?uble)提出的將歐元區(qū)紓困基金——?dú)W洲穩(wěn)定機(jī)制(European Stability Mechanism)轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)闅W洲貨幣基金(European Monetary Fund)的提議。
      Its a very good idea,” she told reporters. “We would be able to show the world that we haveall the mechanisms in our eurozone portfolio to be able to react to unexpected situations”.

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