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      2017-7-27 | 責任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數:1585 | 內容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布

      Sunac’s theme park deal is a land grab, not a compliment to Mickey Mouse. Much has happened in the two weeks since the developer announced it would buy a slew of stakes from rival Dalian Wanda. On Tuesday, Sunac said that it would raise HK$4.03bn ($516m) from a share sale to “optimise the capital structure”. This will do little to restrain soaring debt. But nor is it a sign of distress.

      融創(chuàng)(Sunac)的主題公園交易是為了搶地,而不是“向米老鼠致敬”。自從這家開發(fā)商宣布將從對手大連萬達(Dalian Wanda)購買大量股份以來,兩周時間里發(fā)生了很多事情。周二,融創(chuàng)中國表示將增發(fā)新股募集40.3億港元(合5.16億美元)以“優(yōu)化資本結構”。此舉對抑制不斷高漲的債務并無太大幫助,但也不是財務緊張的征兆。
      Sunac is a home builder. It needs land to build on. Project acquisitions are an important source of growth, given that the Chinese government started tightening the supply of housing in 2014. New land sales dropped by a third in the subsequent two years, according to Citi. The measures were successful: The average time of stock in inventory declined from 25 to nine months in key cities as a result.
      The theme parks come with a land bank of roughly 50m square meters, a 70 per cent boost to Sunac’s sellable area before the deal. A third developer, Guangzhou R&F will buy the hotels that were part of the initial deal — they do not come with land to sell. In this latest iteration of the deal, Sunac pays Rmb43bn ($6.5bn) and takes on Rmb15bn in net debt. That adds up to a price tag of Rmb1,200 per square metre. Finished projects sell to home buyers at multiples of that.
      此次主題公園交易帶來約5000萬平方米的土地儲備,融創(chuàng)可售土地面積比交易前增長了70%。第三家開發(fā)商廣州富力地產(Guangzhou R&F Properties)將購買初始交易中的酒店部分,這部分不帶有可售土地。在最新版本的交易中,融創(chuàng)將支付438億元人民幣(合65億美元),并背負150億元人民幣凈債務,為每平方米土地貼上了高達1200元人民幣的價簽。出售給購房者的成品房價格將是這一價格的好多倍。

      Sunac had Rmb70bn in cash at the end of the year and reported 90 per cent growth ofcontracted sales for the first half of 2017. Annual sales have more than doubled to Rmb151bn.Paying for the acquisition is not problematicNet debt will jump by roughly Rmb60bn toRmb120bnLeverage will probably be high but new debt should be compared with the potentialvalue of the inventory.

      Citi estimates that the residential area sold in China peaked in 2016 and market share of the top10 developers will double to two-fifths in the four years to 2020. Sunacs financial profile willremain risky — the increase to its Rmb35bn shareholders’ equity will not give much comfort toinvestorsBut the deal gives the Tianjin-based developer a chance to compete in Chinasconsolidating property marketIt should be welcomed.

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