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      特朗普時代的經(jīng)濟學(xué)與政策 朗頓英語翻譯

      2017-6-15 | 責(zé)任編輯:admin | 瀏覽數(shù):1697 | 內(nèi)容來源:本站編輯發(fā)布

      It is no secret that the bulk of the economics profession is troubled by the Trump administration’s approach to economic policy. Now a stellar set of economists has written an anthology of highly useful analytical briefs on virtually all aspects of US economic policy in the age of Donald Trump. Chad Bown of the Peterson Institute has summarised the research effort in a column for VoxEU and the Centre for Economic Policy Research, who publish the book today. (The full book is here, and requires the reader to register for a free account.)

      并非秘密的是:經(jīng)濟學(xué)領(lǐng)域的大部分人都對特朗普政府的經(jīng)濟政策方針感到不安。如今,一批杰出的經(jīng)濟學(xué)家就唐納德?特朗普(Donald Trump)時代美國經(jīng)濟政策的方方面面撰寫了一部高度實用的分析文集。彼得森國際經(jīng)濟研究所(PIIE)的查德?鮑恩(Chad Bown)在為VoxEU和該書《Economics and policy in the Age of Trump》出版者——經(jīng)濟政策研究中心(Centre for Economic Policy Research)撰寫的一篇專欄中,梳理了書中的研究努力。(全書可在此下載,但需要讀者先注冊免費賬號。)
      Inevitably, the book sometimes covers well-trodden territory. There are chapters on Trump’s tax reform proposals (recently also addressed by Free Lunch) and financial regulatory reform. Chapters on healthcare, immigration and labour markets also synthesise a debate that Free Lunch readers are no doubt familiar with. The third part of the book is devoted to trade policy, the subject of intense debate among economists and policymakers for some time.
      不可避免的是,書中的內(nèi)容有時是人們熟悉的話題。一些章節(jié)涉及特朗普的稅收改革提案(最近英國《金融時報》的Free Lunch也提到這方面的改革)和金融監(jiān)管改革。有關(guān)醫(yī)療、移民和勞動力市場的章節(jié)也是對Free Lunch讀者肯定熟悉的一場辯論的綜合提煉。本書第三部分論述的是貿(mào)易政策,這是經(jīng)濟學(xué)家和政策制定者一段時間以來激烈辯論的話題。
      Even in familiar terrain, this book is as good a guide as one can hope to get. First of all that is precisely because it is comprehensive: if you need to quickly inform yourself about the latest controversial economic proposal from Washington, you are likely to find what you need here. (And those already informed will find off-the-shelf basic bibliographies for when they need to reference the evidence.) Second, the authors have taken unusual (for economists) care to be clear, concise, and accessible without dumbing down the analysis. Each chapter is short, to the point, and covers the essential knowledge an informed citizen needs to have. (The World Bank’s chief economist, Paul Romer, could usefully take this book as a model in his crusade for better writing from the bank.)
      即使在人們熟悉的領(lǐng)域,本書也是一份極好的指南。首先這正是因為它全面:如果你需要快速了解華盛頓出爐的最新的有爭議經(jīng)濟提案,你很可能會在書中找到。(那些已經(jīng)了解的人,可以在他們需要參考證據(jù)的時候在這里找到現(xiàn)成的基本書目。)其次,作者們不同尋常(對于經(jīng)濟學(xué)家而言)地努力做到清晰、簡潔和易于理解,同時沒有降低分析水平。每一章都言簡意賅,切中要害,涵蓋了一位希望知情的公民需要具備的基本知識。(世界銀行(World Bank)首席經(jīng)濟學(xué)家保羅?羅默(Paul Romer)在推動該行提高寫作技巧的努力中,完全可以把本書用作樣本。)
      But third, these succinct chapters offer both guidance to less well-known or more abstruse policy areas — including anti-poverty and social mobility policy, the trade effect of fuel standards, “border adjustment” taxation, and trade rule enforcement policy — and have a knack of homing in on how contemporary economic research often leads to more nuanced analysis than the simplistic economic reasoning sometimes dominating the policy debate (what James Kwak has called “economism”).
      第三,這些言簡意賅的章節(jié)既讓人們了解了不那么為人所知、或比較深奧的政策領(lǐng)域(包括脫貧和社會流動性政策、燃油標準的貿(mào)易影響、“邊境調(diào)整”稅收以及貿(mào)易規(guī)則執(zhí)行政策),還有助于人們了解:相比有時主導(dǎo)政策辯論的簡單化的經(jīng)濟推理(郭庾信(James Kwak)所稱的‘經(jīng)濟主義’(economism)),當(dāng)代經(jīng)濟研究往往帶來更為細膩的分析。
      That means even those who follow these debates can learn something new. Arik Levinson, for instance, argues that fuel economy standards for cars “have a built-in bias equivalent to a tariff on imports ranging from $80 to $200 per car. Loosening the standards would lower those implicit tariffs”.
      這意味著,即使那些追蹤這些辯論的人也可能會學(xué)到新的東西。例如,阿里卡?萊文森(Arik Levinson)辯稱,汽車燃油經(jīng)濟性標準“有著內(nèi)置的偏向,相當(dāng)于對每輛汽車征收從80美元到200美元不等的進口關(guān)稅。放松相關(guān)標準將降低那些隱性關(guān)稅”。
      In another example, Emily Blanchard summarises the “trade shock” debate well: “while Nafta may have done little to boost or harm overall growth and prosperity on the continent, it has had a powerful role in redefining how and where products are made”. She then provides a useful elaboration on how cross-border supply chains make the distribution of losses and gains much more complex than traditional trade, which is why trying to leave Nafta — rather than renegotiate it — could bring about as much real harm as Nafta itself is accused of having caused.
      再舉一個例子,艾米麗?布蘭夏德(Emily Blanchard)很好地總結(jié)了“貿(mào)易沖擊”辯論:“盡管《北美自由貿(mào)易協(xié)定》(NAFTA)可能不怎么有助于提振或損害北美大陸的整體經(jīng)濟增長和富裕,但它對于重新界定產(chǎn)品如何生產(chǎn)以及在哪里生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生了強大影響”。她接著詳細描述了跨境供應(yīng)鏈是如何讓損失和收益的分配遠比傳統(tǒng)貿(mào)易更為復(fù)雜的,而這就是為什么試圖退出該協(xié)定(而不是重啟談判)可能帶來實質(zhì)性損害,就像人們批評它已經(jīng)造成的損害那么嚴重。
      If there is one large and economically significant policy area the book leaves out, it is climate change which has of course become topical since Trump’s decision last week to pull the US out of the Paris agreement (the chapter on vehicle fuel efficiency bears on this topic, but narrowly). So to complete your reading, add to this book my FT colleagues’ analysis of what the US withdrawal means. As they point out, much of the climate change action takes place at the state level rather than the federal government: most US states have renewable energy or carbon emissions reduction policies in place.
      Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have made a first stab at quantifying how much the US states can achieve on their own. Their analysis gives grounds for hope. For example, states accounting for almost four-tenths of the US economy have vowed to honour the Paris agreement and continue the efforts continued US participation would have required them to contribute. On renewable energy, current state policies could “go about 60 per cent of the way toward the renewables expansion previously expected under federal policy”. The MIT note nicely states the economic rationale for climate change policy: it reduces the risk for private sector investments in green energy-related sectors that are well on their way to becoming lucrative growth industries. If the global economy is slowly, but surely decarbonising, business sectors will benefit most in those countries which have certainty over regulatory and financial incentives so as to position themselves to capture this emerging market — including, significantly, in manufacturing.

      There is an inevitable “know thine enemy” flavour to much of this writingas most of thewriters disapprove of the course US policymaking is currently settingBut it is an informeddisapproval which often accepts some of the stated aims of the Trump administration interms of benefiting left-behind segments of the populationwhile arguing that the chosenpolicies are counterproductive and highlighting others that would do the job betterThat,surelyis what public-spirited economics is all about.

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